Friday, January 1, 2010

30 Rock. Final

Since 30 Rock wasn't on last night I decided to look up different clips of 30 Rock to try to see how the characters acted in the other shows so I could get better judgment of the show. I found the best of Liz Lemon which had some really funny jokes in it. Liz is probably my favorite character on the show because out of everyone on the show she annoys me the least. The actual show is pretty good but the people on the show could be better. But I would recommend watching these clips of Liz very funny.

Thursday, December 31, 2009

This last year

What can I say I wish I could remember more off the top of my head that happened this year, a lot of good times here at school stand out in my mind but some of them have too much explaining to understand the whole story so i wont bore you with small but significant inside jokes. But the times I do remember are all with my friends and family. One thing that comes to mind is spring break, always a good time and never a dull moment when you go with your closest friends. All the weekends here at school were the best, just when you think one weekend couldn't get any better it did. The summer here was fun, even though some of my friends graduated and moved away, I still tried to make the best of it knowing it wasn't going to be the same. Fall quarter was fun, all the football games and nice weather we had, and Halloween was a really good time this year, one of the best costume ideas yet. It's hard to believe this next quarter is going to be my last. I guess its true, time flies when you're having fun. But I look forward to next year and what it will bring. Goodbye 2009 and hello 2010!

Saturday, December 26, 2009

30 Rock. Tech codes and segments

Since 30 Rock wasn’t on this week, I re-watched the old episode of the secret Santa. One thing I noticed in the episode near the end when the two are singing, when Danny purposely does worse so that Jenna looks better. This actually made me think how we do things, even if it is worse for us or won’t benefit us, to make other people happy especially around the holidays. I think that it’s really great when people aren’t selfish and think of others before their self and do take the time to help people even if that means you don’t get anything from it. This being the holiday just makes me thing about everything that I have to be thankful for and sometimes we need reminders in life to help us with that.

Regarding the questions, when the author is referencing the analysis of TV narrative with segments she is talking about the importance of the segment with each being its own little entertaining mini series which makes television so much different from film. You have to be able to have little mini segments in television that by themselves are entertaining and also as a whole have to all make sense. Dealing with the technical codes, the camera work of the show makes you feel like you are in the room and actually being part of the interview when the character sits down to do the one on one. It shows the close up for the more intimate interview rather than having a far away shot. The camera lens is more of an “everyday effect” for the normal view; you don’t really see too many wide angle shots in the show for the dramatic effect. I didn’t really notice too much with the color in the shows to show different moods but the lighting was the low contrast for the real looking more of a documentary look, much like the show the Office. I think it’s pretty neat that if you actually know what you’re looking for in these shows or even in movies, the technical codes really show and they influence how you view something.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

TV w/o P

I thought the coolest thing about TWoP was how you could watch clips and full episodes of previous shows, which was good if you missed your favorite show that week. The funniest and most entertaining thing was the forms because you got to see what other people thought about the shows or questions they might have had about an episode. You could really relate to some of the things that people were saying about an episode. I thought the most informative thing about TWoP was how it gave you a list of all in one place and you could read to see what the show was about to see if it might be something the you’re interested in watching. They gave pretty good descriptions of the shows to drawl the reader and viewer in. They even had old shows on there that are rarely shown. Overall this website is very good if you like to watch a lot of TV and like to see what other people are thinking about a show.

Friday, December 18, 2009


So since 30 Rock wasn't on last night I watched a little bit of the SNL. I have to say that Saturday Night Live is getting better, but in no way will it ever be able to compare to the old SNL that I grew up with and loved with Will Ferrell, Chris Kattan, Chris Farley and that crew or even the older episodes with Dan Aykroyd, John Belushi, and Chevy Chase which are always classics. I fell out of watching the show for a couple of years because I really wasn't too excited about the cast that was on there, especially Jimmy Fallon. I cannot stand him in anything that he does and I don't think he is a funny person at all. Just something about him I don't like especially on SNL. But like I said before the show is getting better, maybe its because the hosts they are having or the skits but I find myself watching more and more nowadays. Last nights episode was good because it had a lot of episode from the past that always made me laugh with the people in it that i liked. So it was actually a good show last night.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Rabin AO Scott Pop Culture

I’d like to first start off by saying that I can completely relate to Rabin when he is talking about his first day at Blockbuster. I think it is funny how stores like that make such a big deal about you joining the “team” with orientation videos and cheesy lines. I can remember my first day at Best Buy, the same sort of thing happened. First they get you in a room with ten or fifteen other new hires, most who don’t have a clue what is going on, and they show you a video explaining how you working there you will not only change the lives of other people but your life will be changed too. It’s not that there is anything wrong with working at places like Best Buy, Blockbuster, even Home Depot for the rest of your life and make your way up and make a successful career our of it, but when they make it out to be that it’s the best job in the world because you are helping people with their entertainment needs or something like that, that’s when I draw the line. For me and a lot of my friends it was just a job to get some extra money, I was not going to work there the rest of my life, it wasn’t for me. But the thing that gets me every time is the boring cheesy orientations and all the talk on how much of a difference you’re making all because you are working at this company. Anyways enough ranting about that.

One of the things I learned while working at Best Buy pertaining to entertainment was there are always bigger and better things from cameras that make movies better to entertainment systems that make watching and listening to movies better. I didn’t work in the home entertainment section there but just by working around that kind of stuff, you pick up on different things about what’s good and what’s not and what will be out in the future that will out due the top product. TV’s are getting bigger and the picture they are showing is getting clearer. The sound quality is also getting so much better. So I think it is somewhat true what A.O. Scott says about possible death of cinemas. Although I don’t think that cinemas will ever die out because most people just enjoy the experience of going to the movies and the atmosphere provided there. I do think that a transformation of the cinemas will continue to happen. Because theaters have to compete with home entertainment so much, the theaters will continue to get better. I think it’s a good thing that we are pushing technology so much because it will only make watching movies in the theater so much better and more enjoyable.

Friday, December 11, 2009

30 Rock: Youface

I thought this weeks episode was a lot funnier then last week, it could have been because I knew what kind of humor to expect from last weeks show or it could have been that the jokes were easier to fallow either way I liked it. I thought that one of the funnier parts of the show was when they were talking about Youface which was a play on facebook. I thought it was a funny way to show how obsessed some people are with facebook yet at the same time how useful it can be. Another part that I thought was funny was when Liz her assistant were searching on Youface and Liz being older had much more trouble getting to the web page and searching for Alec's old fling. I also liked the part where Liz was having a hard time finding Jack the perfect Christmas present, I can relate this this because I always have a hard time picking out the right gift for someone. Overall I liked this weeks episode a lot better then last week. I think I can actually get into this show, or whats left of it.